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Plasma Quantum Processes seminar “When Dreams Come True: Many-body Perturbation Theory for the GRASP and HULLAC”
The Plasma Quantum Process Unit holds seminars to disseminate the research activities of the Unit.
We hope many of you will join us.
【Date】Thursday, December 12, 2024, 9:00-10:00 (onsite + Zoom)
【Place】Seminar Room (Room 501), 5th floor, Research I Building, National Institute for Fusion Science
【Zoom】The Zoom information will be sent by e-mail.
【Lecturer】Gediminas Gaigalas, Vilnius University (Lithuania) / Visiting Professor of Plasma Quantum Processes Unit
【Title】When Dreams Come True: Many-body Perturbation Theory for the GRASP and HULLAC
The General Relativistic Atomic Structure (GRASP) and Hebrew University – LLNL Atomic Code (HULLAC) packages are based on relativistic configuration interaction (RCI) methods for energy structure calculations. The atomic state function used in the program is built from the set of configuration state functions (CSFs). The valence–valence, core–valence and core–core correlations are explicitly included through expansions over CSFs in RCI. We in this talk present a combination of RCI and the stationary second-order Rayleigh–Schrödinger many-body perturbation theory in an irreducible tensorial form to account for electron core–valence correlations when an atom or ion has any number of valence electrons. This newly developed method, which offers two ways of use, allows a significant reduction of the CSF space for complex atoms and ions and to reach high accuracy in more simple way.
【Contact】Daiji Kato: *Please change “-at-” to @.