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Research Summary
The Plasma Quantum Processes Unit is organized to study various quantum processes in plasmas, such as electromagnetic emission and absorption due to quantum interactions between electrons, ions, atoms, and molecules in plasmas, the interaction between atoms and electromagnetic fields, materials, intense lasers, and intense particle beams, etc. Spectra are useful to understand plasma properties, such as electron temperature and density, velocity fields, magnetic field strengths, etc., and microscopic quantum processes between plasma constituents and electromagnetic fields may contribute to developing macroscopic properties of plasmas.
The main missions of the unit are to understand 1) spectra and properties of highly charged high-Z ions to examine high-Z impurity behavior in fusion plasmas; 2) plasma properties of interactions with radiation fields and materials; 3) collective and transport phenomena due to atomic collisions; 4) nonlinear and nonequilibrium properties for laser-material interaction; and 5) atomic properties of exotic muon atoms.
To achieve the missions, we will perform theoretical and experimental studies on atomic structure and spectra of highly charged high-Z ions and exotic atoms with a muon, develop spectroscopic models for nonequilibrium plasmas with evaluation by experiments, examine collective phenomena of plasmas by theoretical studies, numerical simulations, and machine learning techniques, and perform experiments on interaction with lasers and particle beams, and theoretical and experimental studies on nonlinear and non-equilibrium high-density plasma produced by laser-material interactions. We also promote and accelerate joint research in Japan and overseas to perform these research plans and will create new research fields through interdisciplinary collaborations on atomic and molecular process research and database development, by forming a research center network with universities and institutions.
- H. A. Sakaue et. al., in preparation
- S. Kojima et. al., “Electromagnetic field growth triggering super-ponderomotive electron acceleration during multi-picosecond laser-plasma interaction“, Communications Physics 2 (2019) 99.
*:Unit Leader
Prof. KATO, DaijiResearch Fields Atomic physics (theory)
Guest Prof. FUJIOKA, Shinsuke
Assist. Prof. FUNABA, HisamichiResearch Fields Plasma diagnostics
Prof. HOSHI, TakeoResearch Fields Data-driven science
Research Support KATO, MasatoshiResearch Fields Atomic and Molecular Database
Assoc. Prof. KIMURA, NaokiResearch Fields Atomic & Molecular Physics (Experiment)
Assist. Prof. MORITAKA, ToseoResearch Fields Plasma simulation
Prof. MURAKAMI, IzumiResearch Fields Plasma Atomic and Molecular Processes
Assist. Prof. MUTO, SadatsuguResearch Fields Plasma diagnostics
Assist Prof. SAKAI, KentaroResearch Fields Laboratory astrophysics
Assist. Prof. SAKAUE, HiroyukiResearch Fields Atomic physics (experimental)
Assist. Prof. SUZUKI, ChihiroResearch Fields Plasma spectroscopy
Assist. Prof. YAMAGISHI, OsamuResearch Fields Plasma transport theory
External Member
FUJIOKA, ShinsukeAffiliate Osaka University, Prof.
HARA, HirohisaAffiliate NAOJ, Prof.
ITAKURA, KazukiAffiliate NIAS, Prof.
KENMOCHI, TakahiroAffiliate Doshisha University, Prof.
KINO, YasushiAffiliate Tohoku University, Prof.
KURAMITSU, YasuhiroAffiliate Osaka University, Prof.
NAKAMURA, NobuyukiAffiliate The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Prof.
NAMBA, ShinichiAffiliate Hiroshima University, Prof.
OHASHI, HayatoAffiliate Toyama University, Lecturer
SASAKI, AkiraAffiliate QST, Specialist
SENTOKU, YasuhikoAffiliate Osaka University, Prof.
SETO, KeitaAffiliate JAEA, Deputy director
SHIGEMORI, KeisukeAffiliate Osaka University, Prof.
TANAKA, MasaomiAffiliate Tohoku University, Prof.
TANUMA, HajimeAffiliate Tokyo Metropolitan Public University Corporation (TMU), Prof.
YAMAGUCHI, HiroyaAffiliate JAXA, Assoc. Prof.