- 複合大域シミュレーション
- お知らせ
[日時] 2023年8月31日(木) 13:30〜14:30
[場所] 核融合科学研究所 研究II期棟509セミナー室 + オンライン併用
[講師] Arno Vanthieghem
国際特任研究員 (Ph. D)
[講演題目] Electron heating in high-Mach number collisionless shocks
Collisionless shock waves provide ideal environments for efficient particle acceleration in numerous astrophysical objects. At the interface between a supersonic plasma flow and the interstellar or intergalactic medium, complex nonlinear multiscale electromagnetic plasma processes are inferred to heat and accelerate electrons and ions up to highly relativistic speeds. Understanding the mechanisms underpinning the energy channeling between different plasma species through collective processes is crucial to model local spacecraft data and supernovae remnants’ multimessenger signatures. In this presentation, I will outline our recent progress in understanding the energy partition between electrons and ions in collisionless Newtonian high Alfvenic Mach number shock waves. I will present our results on a reduced description of electron transport in a Weibel-mediated microturbulence, energy partition between electrons and ions, and electron acceleration in the shock transition. Our results rely on analytical and semi-analytical descriptions and are supported by large-scale Particle-In-Cell simulations.
[お問合せ] cg-sim
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