
  • メタ階層ダイナミクス
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メタ階層ダイナミクスユニットにてユニットセミナーを開催いたします。今回は、テキサス大学オースティン校核融合研究所(IFS)のCole Stephens博士を講演者に迎え、Hモードペデスタル乱流輸送とジャイロ運動論に基づく準線形輸送モデリングの取り組みについてお話いただきます。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。



Zoom URL:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82594692832

Speaker: Dr. Cole Stephens (IFS, University of Texas at Austin)

Title: Quasilinear Modeling of Turbulent Transport of Microtearing Modes in the Pedestal


Predictive modeling of tokamak plasmas presents a significant challenge, particularly due to difficulties in modeling turbulent transport in the pedestal. Recent experimental evidence and gyrokinetic analysis has indicated that the microtearing mode (MTM) is responsible for substantial heat transport through the electron channel. Nonlinear gyrokinetic pedestal simulations are particularly challenging to perform and computationally expensive, so a reduced modeling is necessary to describe turbulent transport in the pedestal. In this work, we develop a mixing length model to estimate the electron heat flux caused by MTMs, where the mixing length is taken from linear gyrokinetic simulations. These local simulations are performed at the peak of the diamagnetic frequency profile; we then model the electron heat transport away from the peak with a Gaussian envelope.

前山伸也 maeyama.shinya(at)nifs.ac.jp

※(at) を@に直してください。