- 複合大域シミュレーション
- お知らせ
[日時] 2024年12月17日(火) 13:30〜15:00
[場所] 核融合科学研究所 研究I期棟4階402会議室 + オンライン併用
[講師] 榊原 由貴(山形大学)
[講演題目] Topological solitons in dark matter models and the domain wall problem
In the universe, there is a kind of “matter” invisible by lights and called dark matter. It is well known from the cosmological observations that the amount of dark matter is five times as large as that of the ordinary matter, i.e., Standard Model particles, but the origin of dark matter is still unknown, and a variety of dark matter models have been proposed. We mention the difficulties of popular dark matter models and explain that the difficulties are evaded by what we call the “scalar dark matter model”. One of the difficulties is the domain wall problem, where some of the popular dark matter models predict the formation and the evolution of the walls, two-dimensional solitons, leading to a serious contradiction with the current universe. In the scalar dark matter model, the walls are formed as well, but they are confined between the strings, one-dimensional solitons, and behave as if they are “strings” and the domain wall problem is avoided. We confirmed it by large-scale numerical simulation by the supercomputers Flow and FUGAKU. We point out that this model can be tested by the stochastic gravitational wave observations and can address other mysteries of the universe, the origin of the neutrino mass and the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
[お問合せ] cg-sim
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