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The 1st Plasma Quantum Processes seminar

We are pleased to announce that we will hold a monthly seminar in order to disseminate the research activities of the Plasma Quantum Processes Unit. This time, Dr. Takeo Hoshi (Tottori University/KEK), who has been appointed as a professor of this unit, will give a talk on “Bayesian estimation using Fugaku and its application to advanced quantum beam measurement”.
We hope many of you will join us.

Date: Monday, May 8, 2023, 14:00-15:00
Format: Hybrid
Place: Seminar Room (Room 501), 5th floor, Research I Building, National Institute for Fusion Science

Speaker: Dr. Takeo Hoshi (Tottori University/KEK)
Title: Bayesian estimation using Fugaku and its application to advanced quantum beam measurement【Material
Abstract: Our recent work on “2DMAT” (, a data-driven scientific software framework for advanced measurement will be presented. In particular,  the data analysis of Total Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffraction (TRHEPD; using Bayesian estimation on the supercomputer “Fugaku”.